
This isn't really my style to give disclaimers or make large introductions, but for safety's sake, and also for other reasons, this is a general announcement pertaining to all of my work and me as an author. If this is your first time visiting, please take the time to read.

First, I obviously don't own any franchise or business that you might probably recognize in the text, so please don't call me out on it. I think it's rather obvious I'm not the owner or else I wouldn't be spending my time writing fiction on the internet. 

Some of my work is "realistic"---meaning that it takes place in the real world, and franchises that may or may not be common (some may be known at a more local level to places I've been before or where I currently live, etc.) might be present in the story. None of these recognizable businesses or staples are of my personal making, I'm not making money off of advertising them, nor do I mean any harm towards any business or product or item or trend mentioned in my stories.

Second, I know the internet is a perfect feeding ground for plagiarizers all over the place, so I'll just say this straight: Don't do it. Touch my stuff, redistribute it, anything without my consent, knowledge, etc., and I will be terribly disappointed and angry. Especially if you try to make money off of it without my knowing. I just might hunt you down and do terrible things to you. I'll probably come at you with a two by four and a lawyer and shout your ear off on top of it all.

I ask, if any of you out there are fans of mine, and you find someone who's done the unspeakable, please inform me. I'll give you front row tickets to a serious beating. And a warm kiss and hug of utter thanks.

This site is not supposed to be a place for people to abuse the internet's openness and steal other people's work. That's unethical, low, and should make said plagiarizers feel bad about themselves, knowing they've so shamelessly stolen someone else's work.

If you are visiting this site, this means you understand this and recognize my claim of my own personal work. If you want to help publicize my work, though, then that's a different story and I ask you email me instead of stealing without permission or thought of consideration.

Now third, I'd just like to say that I have no beta---never have had one, probably never will---which means all of my submissions here are probably edited by me solely if unless stated otherwise. If you, the reader, catch anything in the story that seems inconsistent, or maybe mistakes be it plot-wise or grammatical or whatever, feel free to point it out in an email (with the proper heading of what story you're critiquing so I know what you're talking about). I'd more than likely want to know that just leave horrible work standing there for others to get disgusted over.

I do apologize if I come off as harsh or frightening or anything like that with what I have to say. I might've disturbed you and just made you shy away from this site... but please don't run away! I just happen to take pride in my work and have spent many hours fleshing it out. It would make me very sad if I had to take any action against anyone because of the poor judgment of a second party.

So long as you don't steal my work or bash me unjustifiably in a review, then I'm highly unlikely to actually do anything to you. So, yeah... Not much else to say, I think I got pretty much all the bases covered. 

If you're not discouraged from venturing further into this site, then please take a look around. I hope you'll enjoy it to the very end. Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to any and all feedback.

Also, if you have any questions whatsoever, be it about me or the things I write or otherwise, feel free to email me and ask. I'll respond as soon as I can.
