





(no, I'm not actually the cat in the picture, but isn't she cute?)


I started writing when I was young. Sure, in school at the beginning it was boring assignments. But when I hit junior high, I saw that writing could be really fun. It became my hobby and has been ever since. I'd love to get my stuff published one day, but until that day comes, it'll remain a precious hobby of mine.

Some of my work is influenced by the close people around me. I once made a story that featured all of them in it, in an abnormal situation.

These days, even without making a story specifically about or for them, they still still influence me and I make my tributes to them.

Of course, with age comes maturity not just in the mind, but in skill as well. Since I've been writing since I was little, my style has changed quite a bit since then, and my interests have fluctuated and bounced between topics. 

Who knows what my style will be ten years from now? Or five. Or even one year! Hopefully I'll still retain my love for writing and fiction, and those who have been with me so far will continue to support me in their own ways.

Contact: email

If you ever want to talk to me about my works or just me, maybe ask me a few questions about myself as an author, or my inspiration, or whatever, via email is the best way.

My Writing:

I don't really know what to say about my writing. Style-wise, it's... uh... well, very me. As for content, I tend to write more mature things. I have a hard time writing cute, fluffy, innocent stuff without some darker theme in the shadows. Also, I write a lot of "slash" material. (i.e. homosexual) Some people may be irked by this, and may categorize me as the typical "yaoi crazed fan" or something of similar caliber. On the contrary, I am not. Despite what I write, I actually don't read a lot of "yaoi" material. (Actually, I don't like using that term... we'll just stick with "slash" because it's more generic and has a couple less degrading stereotypes attached to it.) I read "normal," hetero romance type stories. 

I like the ideas of girls finding their one true love or learning the toughs of life and growing and all that jazz. I like the way girls try to work around their feelings for whatever sort of boy they're involved with. It's cute. I'm a girl. I like cute. (Well, only certain types of cute but you get my point.)

But for the life of me I cannot write from a female perspective. Not effectively anyway. For some reason I just can't accept any female character I create or portray. Maybe they're okay to other people but for me, I just have a hard type accepting them. And if a character's own author can't accept them, well, it's hard to make a story out of them, right?

Anyway, I don't write a lot of stories where the female is the main character. They might be an important side character, but not the main character. It's just so had for me to do on my own. I try, though. I try many times to write a "normal" story that involves a girl, but I wonder if I'll ever get it down. I might just end up writing from the male perspective instead because I'm a dork like that.

Whatever the case, please be aware of that while reading my work. It'll allow for better reading pleasure without being hindered by ugly stereotypes.